New support project reduces calls to SAS by over 55%

A new initiative is underway to provide greater support to persistent callers to the 999 service in an effort to direct patients to the best health service provider for their needs.  

Alice with family and certificate at Paisley station with other ambulance service staff

Alice, 6, awarded bravery certificate by Scottish Ambulance Service

A SIX-year-old has been awarded a bravery certificate from the Scottish Ambulance Service for alerting her dad to her brother having a seizure. 

Picture of ambulance on blue lights

Over 300 assaults on ambulance staff

More than 300 Scottish Ambulance Service staff have been physically or verbally abused in the past year according to latest statistics.

ACC staff member

Busy night for ambulance staff on Hogmanay

Ambulance staff had an extremely busy night across Scotland on Hogmanay as they dealt with 2,006 calls to Ambulance Control Centres between 7pm on New Year’s Eve and 7am on January 1st.

Picture of Alistair Macdonald

King's Ambulance Service Medal recipient announced

A Scottish Ambulance Service project lead who has been instrumental in developing several key initiatives for SAS has been awarded the King’s Ambulance Service Medal (KAM).