Handover delays

Freedom of Information Request

Request Date
28 Dec 2022
Response Date
18 Jan 2023
Information Requested

1.How many hours have been lost due to hospital handover delays in 2022? This would be any delay outside the hospital where for some reason a patient is unable to be transferred from the ambulance into the hospital.

2. In relation to question 1, is there a cost associated with hours lost for the SAS? If so, how much money was wasted due to hospital handover delays?

3. What was the longest a patient waited in an ambulance due to a handover delay in 2022?


The Scottish Ambulance does not hold information on handover delays. We hold data on turnaround times, turnaround time includes the time a SAS crew were waiting to handover a patient to the care of the hospital staff plus any additional time they spend at hospital.

Please note we do not report on the length of time it took to hand the patient over to the hospital.

Response Documents

FOISA Disclosure Log 1789 (PDF | 58KB)