Purple category calls in the 90th percentile of response times

Freedom of Information Request

Request Date
19 Oct 2022
Response Date
18 Nov 2022
Information Requested
  1. How many purple category calls has the SAS received since 2017/18? Please provide this figure for each financial year.

    2. Of these calls, how many of these individuals were pronounced dead, either at the scene, in transit or at the hospital? Please provide this figure for each financial year.

    3. Of Purple category calls in the 90th percentile of response times, how many of these individuals were pronounced dead, either at the scene, in transit or at the hospital? Please provide this figure for each financial year.

    4. How many red category calls has the SAS received since 2017/18? Please provide this figure for each financial year.

    2. Of these calls, how many of these individuals were pronounced dead, either at the scene, in transit or at the hospital? Please provide this figure for each financial year.

    3. Of red category calls in the 90th percentile of response times, how many of these individuals were pronounced dead, either at the scene, in transit or at the hospital? Please provide this figure for each financial year.

Please see the table providing the following data,


Broken down by call colour categories, purple and red, the total number of incidents attended, total number of incidents noted as final clinical code input “Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest” and the total number of incidents attended = final clinical code “Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest where the response time is greater than the 90th percentile.


Please note caution on the interpretation of this data


We have no way of linking the data between response time and mortality without looking at every individual incident manually.


We have provided the data held against the final clinical outcome code “Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest” , matching the additional factor flags Confirmed Deceased = True, Confirm Deceased ROLE/PLE =Yes, Decision Deceased = True, and Outcome PLE on Scene = True.


For the different years given there was a changeover from an old system to a new system and the factor flags described above are within our new system. Previous to this we can only provide the data against the Cinical code “Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest” entered.


These figures are representative of all situations attended whereby a patient may have been pronounced dead at arrival to scene but therefore died prior to arriving or they may have been pronounced dead after receiving advanced lift support. We do not hold the information to specify this further and we do not hold reasons/cause of death.


The response times show total time and do not factor in possible upgrading or downgrading that may occur depending on the patient condition. Times are inclusive of all areas, meaning, as a national service, times are inclusive of all types of locations. These will include areas that may have a difficult access and or in a remote location.


For example, a call may start out as a non-emergency (timed admission) call, subsequently be upgraded to a purple call much later, but only the total time from the first call received is shown. The starting point is always set for the colour category first determined, not the final colour category assigned. Where delays occur, clinical advisors maintain contact with the patient, checking their condition on an ongoing basis, and upgrading when appropriate.


Response Documents

FOISA Disclosure Log 1698 (PDF | 129KB)