Staff Assaults

Freedom of Information Request

Request Date
07 Mar 2023
Response Date
21 Mar 2023
Information Requested
  1. Total number of frontline staff assaulted whilst on duty per year for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
    2. How these numbers break down by gender?
    3. How these numbers break down for day/night and week/weekend shift?
    4. How many total workdays/hours lost due to assaults per year?
    5. How many assaults were recorded as 'Work related'?
    6. How many of your staff attended Occupational Health or received any form of CBT due to assault and how these figures break down by gender?
    7. How many assaults progressed to prosecution?

Our staff should not have to fear for their safety when treating patients and keeping them safe is of paramount importance to us”.

The Service has a range of measures in place to help protect staff, known or reported areas where staff have previously faced violence or threatening behaviour are taken into consideration and communicated to attending crews. Scottish Ambulance staff are trained in managing aggression and assessing risk, enabling them to better judge when they need to wait for support from the Police, or request additional service support.

  1. Total number of frontline staff assaulted whilst on duty per year for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.


Please see the table below showing the total number of incidents reported with our Datix System, broken down into the requested categories for the years 2018 – 2022.



  1. How these numbers break down by gender?


We do not hold this information as per section 17 of the Freedom of Information Scotland Act 2002.

  1. How these numbers break down for day/night and week/weekend shift?


Please see the attached data.

  1. How many total workdays/hours lost due to assaults per year?


We do not hold this information.

  1. How many assaults were recorded as 'Work related'?


Please see the attached data, showing the data set we hold against the number of physical and verbal assaults recorded.

  1. How many of your staff attended Occupational Health or received any form of CBT due to assault and how these figures break down by gender?


We do not hold this information.

  1. How many assaults progressed to prosecution?


Response Documents

FOI 088 23 (XLSX | 13KB)

FOISA Disclosure Log 088 (DOCX | 156KB)